Tuesday 17 January 2017

Crime on newspapers

Today we want to show you some of the writings done by 3rd ESO students about crime. We have been learning vocabulary about crime and criminals and have used these words to write newspaper articles about them. We have also been learning how to use some connectors. Hope you like them.

Crime by Lidia Gonzalo on Scribd

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Collaborative projects

This year we have introduced a new way of working. It is through collaborative tasks or projects. There are many different structures and systems, of course, but we have tried some of them so far. Using ICT tools, our students have produced nice projects and have learnt from each other in a natural and simple way.

One of our projects was about the reader during the first term. It is called The Phantom of the Opera. We worked in teams and helped each other to understand the plot, find information about the main characters, learn new words... It was an enjoyable activity. Below, you can see some pictures.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Human achievement

Humans have lived in the planet for centuries. There have been many important historical facts which have change our lives as the use of fire or the invention of the wheel. More recently, many people around the world have done and accomplished something important for us. Here you can browse and check some of the most important facts in our history.

2nd ESO students have done some research and have learnt many things about people who have meant a change in our planet. Most of them have worked in differnt fields durint the 19th and 20th centuries. Have a look.

Clicking here you will be able to learn more about Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the Moon. Some other studens have searched about Martin Luther King, a man who fought for Civil Rights in the USA during the 20th century.

Below you can see some more examples.