Friday 27 October 2017

Formal letters

Formal letters have a strict structure that must be kept. 4th ESO students have practiced writing examples of it, basically complaining about a bad service or something which was disappointing. In this website you will find some extra and useful information.

(We don't owe any of the pictures posted in this blog)


1st ESO have learnt how to write simple descriptions of film characters and the actors or actresses who have played those roles. 

In this post we have included most of the descriptions written by them (aged 11-12) in the English class. Apart from that, they have used the basic vocabulary and grammar of the unit (parts of body and verbs to be and have got). It's worth reading it! 

Characters by Lidia Gonzalo on Scribd

 (We don't owe any of the images showed in this post)

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Hi! These are our profiles

2nd ESO students have written personal profiles, describing what they like and what they don't like. They have also added some personal information about their families and where they live.

Personal Profiles by Lidia Gonzalo on Scribd