Disney has evolved since the beginning and its main characters too. We all now that princesses are old-fashioned, but… what are the main differences between the old princesses and the new ones? Disney old movies present the figure of the women with a passive personality. For example in the movies like Snow White, the princess is always helped by another one and she spends her time cleaning and doing the housework until someone rescues her. In those films their only goal in life is marring a charming prince. They don't know their identity and they don't show interest in knowing it. All the movies ended the same: the prince and the princes were happy forever. They get their stability when they get married. Some examples are: SnowWhite, Cinderella, the little Mermaid...
Vaiana (2016) is the opposite way. She is an example of women's role in the XXI century society, she trusts herself and her merits. She has a different goal in life that is not marring a prince and falling in love, she wants to save her tribe and fights to get what she wants. Vaiana doesn't need a fairy godmother who presses her for doing something, she is the owner of her live and doesn't need anyone to rescue her when she is in danger. She hasn't got any romantic interest and in the plot there's not a romantic goal. Vaiana gets her etability when she gets her goals.
by Martina
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