Nowadays internet allows us to know a lot of things not only for curiosity, but also to help us with our studies or just because we like to learn new things. However, anyone can edit the information and lie with whatever they want, so when you are looking for information you should be sure that what you are reading is true by searching in reliable webs or posts, not like Wikipedia.
It is believed learning new things is not bad for your health.Therefore, you ought to read this post because you will get knowledge, and it can also help you with a lot of different situations such as when you are studying or working.

1. The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.
2. The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.
3. Coca-Cola was originally green.
4. The most common name in the world is Mohammed.
5. The name of all the continents start with the with the same letter they end.
6. You can not kill yourself by holding your breath
7. “Rhythm” is the longest word in English without a vowel.

9. All polar bears are left handed.
10.Butterflies taste with their feet.
11.People fear spiders more than death.
12.The electric chair was invented by a dentist.
by Llorenç
(We don't owe any of the pictures displayed in this post)

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