Far Away Thoughts
Far away thoughts is a picture by American artist Daniel Ridway Knight (1839-1924). He was born in Philadelphia and afterwards he became a pupul at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. later, he worked in the private sutido of Meissonier. Agter 1872 he lived in Grance, having a house and studio at Poissy on the Seine.

As a writing practice, we gave each of the students in 4th ESO the same picture, a reproduction of Far away thoughts with the task 'A picture that speaks more than a thousand words. They had to write about 300 words and they could either describe the picture or decide a story around it.
Some of the stories were quite realistic while others were absolutely hilarious. In this post you can read some of them.
A Picture That speaks more than a thousand words by Lidia Gonzalo on Scribd